The (alternate) Reality

Oh! What a performance! Made me cry

But wait…even before the tears could dry…


The contestant began reading out from a script,

pleading cheerfully for votes…

His soulful performance now seeming a farce,

with all its low and high notes…


The scene repeats over and over again,

Don’t know where performances end, and dramas begin!


If everyone gets a 10, how do the judges decide,

Are they all so good? Or are we being taken for a ride…


In the crazy world called entertainment,

Real emotions take a backseat

Channel after channel, show after show,

The same charade is on repeat!


Elsewhere, live debates on TV, are really “fought” on Prime Time

Do watch that madhouse of cacophony, the experience is sublime

When the show is over though, the political actors happily unite

Ever wondered, how can they fool us so easily and get away each time?


And when our chosen representatives, can’t protect their own soul,

From a bag full of money…

God bless us, if we trust them to take care of us for 5 years….

The joke is on us, and it isn’t even funny


When even the judiciary is corrupt,

And over-worked to the core

Please understand if they can’t make sensible decisions…

Why raise all this furore???


We live in a world where charades work,

The truth? Well, never mind….

Today’s “latest news” was already priced in markets yesterday

If you can’t see that, you must be blind!


Everything’s behind veils and masks

What you get is rarely what you see

Welcome my friends….

To the (alternate) reality…

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