This year, am doing the unthinkable – merging my new year goals into a Happy New Year message also. Hope my plight and struggle to a brand new resolution tickles your funny bone!
The channel of greed and fear is not an imaginary and irrelevant channel. Rather, it is the very essence of our life.
We live in a world where charades work,
The truth? Well, never mind….
The climb was arduous, would get steeper with time
Harder and harder he pushed, for no reason or rhyme…
A clue: this really has nothing to do with mountain climbing…
He doesn’t just polish their shoes; he polishes their dreams, spotless they shine.
He is not just a cobbler, to them he’s their all-weather friend, and that too, just for a dime.
I coined a silly word for all these letters I have written – “Life Letters”. Cause they were not just letters, they were powerful feelings expressed in words, that allowed me to remain sane, survive, when I didn’t know how long I would….
ना देखी सुबह की पहली किरण, ना शाम का सुहाना वातावरण
ना देख पाया तेरी इस सुंदर दुनिया को, ना ही आया प्रभु तेरी शरण |
It has been a run all these years, never looked back
Sometimes I wish though I could, I really do…
“Gosh! Look at all these memories return…
It has wings, trust me, time just flew!”