We are in a war, if ever there was one
One that wages deep into the night
Does not even respect the setting sun…
Darkness that overpowers all light…

There is no time to count our losses
You’ve had a few, I’ve had mine
Unprecedented is this, this moment in time
With gloom, we wonder if things will ever be fine

The heart is heavy, filled with fear and grief
No respite you can see, even for a moment brief
I can see tears forming at the corner of your eyes
I don’t know if this is the time to say, but I will…Rise!

Rise, for the battle is yet to be won
Fight this monster, that may spare no one
For attack is the best form of defence, they say…
There’s no choice, fighting is the only way

Patience, love and courage will win the odds
Raise the war cry, may it reach the Gods

Even as we haven’t stepped out of home
The longest journey, well this has been
It will also end very soon though
The worst pandemic mankind has seen

You see that soldier doctor there in white?
He too has been fighting for you all this while…
Can’t give up on his efforts now, right?
Let’s make his sacrifice worthwhile

Look over there, another soldier there in khaki
He hasn’t slept, don’t know for how many days
Patrolling on, to keep us locked at home, safe…
As he too contributes hope, in his own little ways

As we remember and cherish, the loved ones we all lost
We still have to protect the ones around at all cost
Now is not the time to sit down in despair
Rise! Trust the power of perseverance and prayer

A kind word here, a smile there, a pat on the back
Every positive intent, every gesture will count
Happiness and warmth are need of the hour
Let not fear or panic mount

Remember, not every war is fought on the battlefield
The hardest battles are often fought in the mind
Light the candle of hope and cheer in your heart
For, the worst will soon be over for all mankind

So, give me your hand, and together we shall rise
Beat the odds, beat the night, prepare for another sunrise!

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